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Shellfish Committee

The Shellfish Conservation Program for the Town of Wiscasset will be administered by the Shellfish Conservation Committee consisting of seven members to be appointed by the selectmen for terms of three years(s). The responsibilities of the committee include: a. Establishing annually in conjunction with the Department of Marine Resources the number of shellfish digging licenses to be issued. b. Surveying each clam producing area at least once each three years to establish size distribution and density and annually estimating the status of the town’s shellfish resources. c. Submitting to the Board of Selectmen proposals for the expenditures of funds for the purpose of shellfish conservation. d. Keeping this ordinance under review and making recommendations for amendments. e. Securing and maintaining records of shellfish harvest from the town’s managed shellfish areas and closed areas that are conditionally opened by the Department of Marine Resources. f. Recommending conservation closures and openings to the Board of Selectmen or Council in conjunction with the Area Biologists of the Department of Marine Resources. g. Submitting an annual report to the Municipality and the Department of Marine Resources covering the above topics and all other committee activities.


Scott James, Zachari Dalton, Peter Fairfield, Timothy James, Paul Dickson, Richard Forrest, Donald James.