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Sortwell Forest

This property was given to the New England Forestry Foundation (NEFF) by Daniel R. Sortwell in 1955. The forest has been managed for many years and is heavily stocked with mature white pine. In 1973 and 1975, Marion S. Warland of Wiscasset, a sister of the late Daniel Sortwell, gave two parcels of land to even out the boundaries and bring the area of the magnificent Sortwell Memorial Forest to a total of 90 acres.

Sortwell Forest

Recently, the Sortwell Memorial Forest, Town of Wiscasset and the Morris Farm initiated a trails project (Wiscasset Outdoors!) that includes over 200 contiguous acres of woods and fields. This trail system includes a series of diverse trails suitable for hiking, aerobic walking, running, skiing, snowmobiling, environmental education and other recreational and educational pursuits.

The Sortwell Memorial Forest may be accessed on Willow Lane. Trailheads to Wiscasset Outdoors! Includes Willow Lane, Morris Farm (156 Gardiner Road) and the Wiscasset Community Center (242 Gardiner Road).